National scientific conference with international participation



The Department of Sociology and Social Work and the Department of Private Law of the Moldova State University in partnership with the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection, the UN Human Rights Office (OHCHR) and the Alliance of Organizations for Persons with Disabilities from the Republic of Moldova are organizing on November 28-29, 2024 the national scientific conference with international participation „Protection of the rights of persons with disabilities: multidisciplinary approaches”.

The conference aims to bring together researchers, practitioners and activists in the field of the protection of the rights of persons with disabilities from various fields (social work, legal sciences, human rights, sociology, public health, education, psychology, engineering, etc.) in order to address policies and practices regarding to the protection of the rights of persons with disabilities, from the human-rights based approach, with an emphasis on capitalizing on and promoting positive experiences and analyzing the barriers encountered by persons with disabilities in exercising their human rights. At the same time, the conference will serve as a platform for discussions and advocacy between Government institutions, National Human Rights Institutions, the academia, civil society and persons with disabilities from both banks of the Nistru/Dniester River, as well as from outside the Republic of Moldova, for a full awareness and realization of the mainstreaming of the human rights of persons with disabilities in sectoral policies, thus ensuring their social inclusion. At the end of the conference, the participants will approve a resolution that will include the essential aspects regarding the need to advance the level of respect, protection and fulfillment of human rights of persons with disabilities on both banks of the Nistru/Dniester River, taking into account international experience and the provisions of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.

The conference will be held in a hybrid format (online and offline), the details of the connection will be further indicated in the conference program.

Registration for the event and presentation of the abstract will take place online until October 20, 2024 by filling in the Registration Form by accessing the link:

The conference will be held in 3 workshops:

  1. The human rights-based approach to disability
  2. Protection of persons with disabilities in situations of risk and humanitarian emergencies
  3. Mainstreaming the disability dimension into sectoral policies

The participants to the conference will have the opportunity to publish the materials (according to the attached technical requirements). The articles will be presented until December 1, 2024, to the email address:

The certificate of participation, the conference program and the publication (in electronic format) will be sent by e-mail.


The article will include a maximum of 6 complete PAGES, using the Word editor, 12 characters at 1.5 spacing on A4 paper, with a paragraph of 5 characters. A free field is kept: from the left, from the top and from the bottom – 25 mm each, from the right – 15 mm.

TITLE: in two languages (the language of writing the article and English): centered, Times New Roman (TNR) 14, uppercase, bold (Romanian), a space follows the title in English, without bold. A space is left after the titles.

AUTHOR: author’s FIRST NAME (TNR 12, capital letters, bold) and NAME (TNR 14, capital letters, bold) – centered. Under the first and last name of the author, after the comma, with a space, mention the didactic and scientific title – centered. At one space, after the comma – the official name of the institution where you are active (TNR 12) – centered. Two spaces are left after the name of the institution.

KEYWORDS: in two languages (Romanian/Russian and English), TNR 11, italic/italic, maximum 8 words separated by a comma, with lowercase letters including the first word, single line spacing, justify option. There is no period at the end of keywords.

TEXT: 12 characters, 1.5 line spacing, justify option, 5–7 standard pages in Romanian or in an international language. Pages are not numbered.

The STRUCTURE of the scientific article must contain: introduction, content (with or without subchapters), conclusions, bibliographic references.

The figures, photos and tables are placed immediately after the respective reference in the text. Under the figure or image, the order number and the corresponding legend are indicated. Tables are numbered and must be accompanied by a title.


In the text, the references are numbered by figures enclosed in square brackets (example: [1, p. 53], [5-8]) and are presented at the end of the article in a separate list in numerical sequence, according to the order of citations in the text. The bibliographic sources are presented according to the following model:

  1. ROJCO, A. at al. Prestaţiile sociale şi impactul lor asupra reducerii sărăciei în Republica Moldova. Chişinău: IEFS, 2011. 156 p. ISBN 978-9975-4295-4-2 
  2. BULGARU, V. Evaluarea curentă a stocurilor. În: Agricultura Moldovei. 2006, nr. 7/8, pp. 6-8. ISSN 1857-2103 
  3. BOTNARENCO, T. Sistem computerizat pentru investigarea şi dezvoltarea rapidităţii reacţiei motrice de start la înotători. În: Sportul olimpic şi sportul pentru toţi: materialele congr. şt. intern., 12-15 sept. 2011. Chişinău: USEFS, 2011, vol.1, pp.196-198. 
  4. ЧИМПОЕШ, Д., ШУЛЬЦЕ, Э. Экономическое состояние сельскохозяйственных предприятий Республики Молдова. 2006. [Accesat 27.12.2011] Disponibil: pub/dp91.pdf / 
  5. KARSTEN K. Influenţa instituţiilor statale asupra sistemelor de ocrotire a sănătăţii / Auto-referat al tezei de doctor în ştiinţe politice, Chişinău, 1998.

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